Asset Management
We understand the true nature of hospitality assets.
The ultimate goal is to maximize the profit performance and protect the life of the physical asset to optimise the return and value of the investment for the owner.
We earn trust by fully understanding the objectives, respecting confidentiality and by being mindful of the complex and sensitive stakeholder environment.
Hotel professionals, not asset managers
Ironically there are no asset managers on our team.
That's because the relationship with the operator does not work unless our representative knows at least as much, if not more about the subject than the operators themselves.
And today's hotel companies are filled with specialists - Revenue, Food & Beverage, Finance, Technical Services. All experts in their field.
The only way to add real value, therefore, is to match their expertise.
Our specific asset management services encompass three core functions:
1° Review of financials
Includes the evaluation and analysis of the budget submitted by the operator which has to be approved by the owner.
This subsequently moves into a regular cycle of reviewing the on-going operations from a financial and operational perspective.
2° Control and enhancement of operating performance
Control of the operating performance is the central service that we provide.
It includes benchmarking, evaluating the alignment of the sales and marketing efforts, evaluating the hotel organisational structure and representing the owner's interest in any critical negotiation.
3° Legal / investment advice.
The legal and investment services include advising on operating contract structures, capital expenditure assessment, real estate conditions, investment timing, forms of ownership, capital and debt structure.
The focus on one area over another varies with the type of property, the market, and the owner's needs.